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Graphics | Logo Designs

Start-up businesses who need a logo and/or tagline.  An established business wanting a new look.  Ad campaigns and/or presentation materials that need professional graphics and layouts.  We take our needs and visions and create designs that fit your needs and budget.

website on computer and mobile phone.jpg

Website Design, Mobile Connectivity, eCommerce

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Social Media Platforms & Campaigns

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Standard Media platforms - TV, Radio, Print, Billboards

Giving a Speech

Event Planning - meetings, seminars, conferences, classes

Tools for a success graphics & logo designs


  • Ad slicks - create ads for print publications.  Customize for dimension requirements.  Full color, black & white, and/or digital.
  • Posters - Events, signage
  • Banners - canvas, retractable, paper, sizes customized for need.
  • Brochures/Flyers/Inserts/Programs
    • Design layout, print requirements, and final product.
  • Digital Banners - create graphics and sizes needed for the project.
  • Program and Print Materials - work with content, layout, printing, distribution.
  • Menus - customized for both print and digital use.
  • Meet with the client to discuss what kind of look they want for their logo.
  • Create options with editing needed to finalize the proof.
  • Logo sizes and files will be created in high-resolution for print, digital (clothing), website, social media, and any other platforms needed.
  • We can coordinate getting screened and/or embroidered clothing and promotional items for promoting your business or organization.
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